Update: Group is currently inactive. More information coming soon.
Purpose & History
ICDR-Zambia was formed in 2011 to conduct novel global rehabilitation and disability research in Zambia. We strive to unite people at the University of Toronto, Canada and internationally, who are conducting disability and/or rehabilitation research in Zambia to enhance the integrity of our research through harmonization and mutual problem solving.

Chair: Marianne Stevens
Vice-Chair Education: Sarah Eby
Anson Au, Shaun Cleaver, Sarah Eby, Stephanie Nixon, Janet Njelesani, Marianne Stevens
University of Zambia The University of Zambia has a vision to be the provider of world class services in higher education and knowledge generation and a mission to provide relevant higher education through teaching, research and community service.
Zambart is a Zambian NGO formed in 2004 from a collaboration between the University of Zambia’s School of Medicine and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine that focuses on the overlap between HIV and tuberculosis in order to improve the quality of life of people affected by the diseases.
Realize brings together the worlds of HIV, disability and rehabilitation and through its leadership in research, education and cross-sector partnerships is working to address the rehabilitation needs of people living with HIV and changing HIV prevention, care, treatment and support
Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD) has built a global reputation as a leading applied research centre that brings together interdisciplinary teams to solve complex health problems and its mission is to inspire health and development strategies, policies and practices that improve the welfare of people in and beyond Africa.
Lusaka Apex Medical University (LAMU) is a private Medical University in Zambia contributing to the global supply of highly qualified health professionals with emphasis on Zambia and Southern Africa.
a) Projects
- Toward a Paradigm Shift in Rehabilitation for Adults and Children Living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Novel KT Intervention. This project will tailor, implement and evaluate a novel intervention in three physical therapy training programs in Kenya, South Africa and Zambia to increase the capacity of rehabilitation students to become HIV and rehabilitation advocates and improve the health of adults and children living with HIV. The intervention will use content from the e-module on HIV and rehabilitation, problem-based learning and clinical placements. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). April 2017 – March 2020
- Sepo III: Advancing Chronic Disease Models of Care for People Living with HIV in Resource Poor Settings. This project will identify HIV-related chronic disease interventions for children and adolescents in Zambia to develop an in-depth understanding of HIV-related chronic disease interventions in Zambia to advance the management and health of people living with HIV as a chronic illness.
Previous work
- E-module on HIV and Rehabilitation: An E-module to Address HIV-Related Disability and Rehabilitation in Sub-Saharan Africa. An online innovative teaching tool was developed to promote rehabilitation in the context of HIV in Africa, the “HIV and Rehabilitation eModule”. This resource was adapted from a Canadian resource developed by Realize and tested for rehabilitation professionals in sub-Saharan Africa to improve health and reduce disability for individuals living with HIV. Click here to access the tool. Funded by Grand Challenges Canada 2013 October – 2015 April.
- Sepo II Study: Exploring the Functioning, Disability and Health of Women and Men Living with HIV in Zambia: Shifting Perspectives for a Longer-Term Approach to HIV Care in Southern Africa. An in-depth longitudinal qualitative study using a rehabilitation framework to explore the experiences of women and men living with HIV in Zambia. April 2012 – 2015 March. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Open Operating Grant.
- Sepo I Study: An in-depth qualitative study of health equity issues facing people with disabilities in Zambia who are living with HIV
- A Search for Strategies to Redress the Disadvantages of Disability in Western Zambia. Cleaver, S. Two disability communities in Western Zambia collaborate with a Canadian PhD student researcher to better understand the problems related to their disabilities, and strategies to counter-act these problems. Canadian Institutes of Health Research Fellowship and W. Garfield Weston Doctoral Fellowship Program.
b) Publications
- Stevens M, Parsons J, Read S, Nixon SA. (In press). The conceptualization of stigma within a rehabilitation framework using HIV as an example. Disability and Rehabilitation
- Cleaver S, Magalhães L, Bond V, Nixon S. Exclusion through attempted inclusion: experiences of research with disabled persons’ organisations (DPOs) in Western Zambia. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development. [In press].
- Nixon SA, Bond V, Solomon S, Cameron C, Mwamba C, Hanass-Hancock J. Optimism alongside new challenges: Using a rehabilitation framework to explore experiences of a qualitative longitudinal cohort of people living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment in Lusaka, Zambia.AIDS Care. Accepted 26 Jul 2017, Published online: 21 Aug 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2017.1363365
- Nixon SA, Cameron C, Mweshi M, Nkandu E, Okidi C, Tattle S, Yates T. 2016. “It is an eye-opener that there’s a relationship between rehabilitation and HIV”: Perspectives of physiotherapists (PTs) and occupational therapists (OTs) in Kenya and Zambia on the role of rehabilitation for adults and children living with HIV.Physiotherapy Canada. 68(3). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/ptc.2015-42GH.
- Njelesani J., Fehlings L., Tsang A., & Polatajko H. (2016). The influence of context on occupational selection in sport-for-development programming. Societies; 6(3), 24; doi:3390/soc6030024
- Parsons J, Nixon SA, Bond VA. 2015. “Are we not human?” Stories of stigma, disability and HIV from Lusaka, Zambia and their implications for access to health services.PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371/journalpone.0127392.
- Flicker S, Nixon SA. The DEPICT model for participatory qualitative health promotion research analysis piloted in Canada, Zambia and South Africa.Health Promotion International. 2015;30(3):616-624, DOI:10.1093/heapro/dat093.
- Njelesani, J., Cameron, D., Parsons, J., & Nixon, S. (2015). Experiences of work among people with disabilities who are HIV+ in Zambia.African Journal of AIDS Research; 14, 51-56; doi:10.2989/16085906.2015.1016985
- Njelesani, J., Gibson, B. E., Cameron, D., Nixon, S., & Polatajko, H. (2015). Sport-for-Development: A Level Playing Field?Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research; 16, 12; http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1502120
- Njelesani J, Nixon SA, Cameron D, Parsons J, Menon JA. (2014). Experiences of work among people with disabilities who are HIV-positive in Lusaka, Zambia.African Journal of AIDS
- Nixon SA, Cameron C, Hanass-Hancock J, Simwaba P, Solomon P, Bond V, Menon JA, Richardson E, Stevens M, Zack E. (2014). Perceptions of HIV-related health services in Zambia for people with disabilities who are HIV-positive.Journal of the International AIDS Society. 17(18806).
- Yoshida K, Hanass-Hancock J, Nixon SA, Bond V. (2014). Using intersectionality to explore experiences of disability and HIV among women and men in Zambia.Disability and Rehabilitation.
- Stevens M, Kirsh B, Nixon SA. Rehabilitation interventions for children living with HIV: a scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation (early online 2013). DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2013.821184.
- Njelesani J, Stevens M, Cleaver S, Nixon SA. Developing global partnerships to advance participation and health through research: The Canadian-Zambian Partnership. Occupational Therapy International 2013;20(2): 78-87
- Flicker S, Nixon SA. The DEPICT model for participatory qualitative health promotion research analysis piloted in Canada, Zambia and South Africa. Health Promotion International. 2014. Health Promotion International.
- Njelesani J, Gibson BE, Cameron D, Nixon SA, Polatajko H. A Critical Occupational Approach: Offering Insights on the Sport-for-Development Playing Field. Sport in Society. 2014;17(6):790-807.
- Cleaver S, Nixon S. A Scoping Review of 10 Years of Published Literature on Community-based Rehabilitation. Disability & Rehabilitation (early-online, 2013). DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2013.845257.
- Nixon SA, Maimbolwa M. Living with HIV and Dying with AIDS: Diversity, Inequality and Human Rights in the Global Pandemic, Book Review. Developing World Bioethics, Early online: 1-3.
- Njelesani J, Cameron D, Gibson BE, Nixon S, & Polatajko, H. Towards a critical occupational approach to research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2013;12:207-220.
- Wickenden A, Nixon SA, Yoshida K. Exploring the impact of the intersection of HIV, disability and gender on the sexualities of women in Zambia. African Journal of Disability 2013;2(1),Art.#50,8 pages.
c) Presentations
- 2017 July 2-5 Clever S, Polatajko H, Bond V, Magalhães L, Nixon S. “Exploring the concerns of persons with disabilities in western Zambia: Opportunities to think differently about physiotherapy in the global South” World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress; Cape Town, South Africa
- 2017 July 2-5 Cleaver S, Magalhães L, Bond V Nixon S. “When we say ‘disabled persons’ organization (DPO),’ What do we mean? Exploring the construction of two DPOs in western Zambia”World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress; Cape Town, South Africa
- 2016 July 19 21st International AIDS Conference. Durban, South Africa. Results of the Sepo II Study: Experiences of HIV-related Disability among Women and Men on ART in Lusaka, Nixon SA, Cameron C, Bond VA et al. (poster)
- 2016 May 14 Cleaver S, Polatajko H, Nixon S. “Independent Initiative Tunnel Vision: A reflexive analysis on disability research in Zambia”PEGASUS Conference; Toronto, ON, Canada.
- 2016 May 13 Nixon SA, Cameron C, Bond VA, Solomon P, et al. Living Life on ART: Results of the Sepo II Study in Lusaka, Zambia. 26th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS. Winnipeg, MB. (oral)
- 2016 May 13 Nixon SA, Cameron C, Chetty V et al. Knowledge Translation of HIV Research with Policy-Makers, Health Workers and the Media in Sub-Saharan Africa: Successes and Lessons Learned. 26th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS. Winnipeg, MB. (poster)
- 2016 April 18 Missed opportunities: Perspectives of PTs and OTs in Kenya and Zambia regarding the role of rehabilitation in the care of people living with HIV (PHAs).Canadian Conference on Global Health, Montreal, QC. Cameron C, Mweshi M, Nkandu E, Okidi C, Tattle S, Yates T.
- 2015 Dec 2 Experiences of disability related stigma and discrimination among Persons with Disabilities living with HIV in Lusaka, Zambia. International Conference on HIV/AIDS and STI’s in Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe. Sinyinza R, Simwaba P, Hanass-Hancock J, Nixon SA. (poster)
- 2015 Nov 6 Missed opportunities: Perspectives of PTs and OTs in Kenya and Zambia regarding the role of rehabilitation in the care of people living with HIV (PHAs).Canadian Conference on Global Health, Montreal, QC. Cameron C, Mweshi M, Nkandu E, Okidi C, Tattle S, Yates T.
- 2015 July 20 3rdAssociation for Social Science and Humanities in HIV Research Conference. VA Stellenbosch, South Africa. ARVs may be a magic bullet for HIV but not for HIV Stigma: Results of a Qualitative Longitudinal Study of PLWH on antiretroviral treatment in Zambia. Bond, SA Nixon et al. (oral)
- 2014 July 20 The Persistence and Resistance of HIV-related stigma in the Era of ART: Experiences of People Living with HIV and on ART in Lusaka, Zambia.20th International AIDS Conference, Melbourne, Australia. Presenters: Bond VA, Nixon SA, et al. (poster)
- 2014 May 1 The Sepo II Study: Using a Disability Framework to Examine Experiences of ART Among Women and Men Living with HIV in Lusaka, Zambia. 23rd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. St. John’s, Canada. Presenter(s): Nixon SA, Bond V, Solomon P, Hanass-Hancock J, Maimbolwa M, Menon A, Siwale M, Simwaba P. (poster)
- 2014 May 1 Adapting CWGHR’s eModule on HIV and Rehabilitation for Sub-Saharan Africa: Results of Phase 1. 23rdAnnual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. St. John’s, Canada. Presenter(s): Nixon SA, Munalula Nkandu E, Mweshi M, Okidi C, Zack E, Cameron C. (poster)
- 2013 Oct 29 The Sepo II Study: Experiences of ‘Functioning, Disability and Health’ of Women and Men Living with HIV in Lusaka, Zambia. 20th Canadian Conference on Global Health. Ottawa, Canada. Presenter(s): Nixon SA, Bond V, Cameron C, Hanass-Hancock J, Ibanez-Carrasco F, Menon A, Solomon P, Zack E. (oral).
- 2013 Oct 28 Sub-plenary: Can we have an impact without inclusion? Disability: The Missing MDG. 20th Canadian Conference on Global Health. Ottawa, Canada. Presenter(s): Nixon SA, Brown Y, Simwaba P, Davis A, Cameron D, Cockburn L, Cleaver S, O’Hearn S, Hunt M, Jalovcic D, Wolbring G. (oral).
- 2013 Oct 27-29, 2013 Stevens M, Kirsh B, Nixon SA. Rehabilitation interventions for children living with HIV: a scoping review. Canadian Conference on Global Health; Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- 2013 Oct 27-29 Cleaver S, Magalhaes L, Nixon S, Polatajko H. “Collaborating with Persons with Disabilities in Zambia to Rethink Rehabilitation” Canadian Conference on Global Health; Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- 2013 Oct 29 Nixon SA, Bond V, Cameron C, Hanass-Hancock J, Ibanez-Carrasco F, Menon A, Solomon P, Zack E. The Sepo II Study: Experiences of ‘Functioning, Disability and Health’ of Women and Men Living with HIV in Lusaka, Zambia. 20th Canadian Conference on Global Health; Ottawa, ON, Canada (oral).
- 2013 Oct 28 Nixon SA, Brown Y, Simwaba P, Davis A, Cameron D, Cockburn L, Cleaver S, O’Hearn S, Hunt M, Jalovcic D, Wolbring G. Sub-plenary: Can we have an impact without inclusion? Disability: The Missing MDG. 20th Canadian Conference on Global Health; Ottawa, ON, Canada (oral).
- 2013 Oct 15 Seventh Zambian National Health Research Conference. Presenter(s): Mwamba C, Musheke M, Bond VA, Maimbolwa M, Menon A, Simwaba P, Cameron C, Solomon P, Hanass-Hancock J, Zack E, Ibanez-Carrasco F, Nixon SA. The ‘Functioning, Disability and Health’ experiences of people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy in Lusaka, Zambia: Implications for HIV care. (poster)
- 2012 Oct 21-23 Stevens M. An examination of the activity and participation of children living with HIV in Lusaka, Zambia using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health within a critical ethnographic approach. Theme Group on Inclusion and Disability session. 19th Canadian Conference on Global Health, Ottawa, ON.
- 2012 Oct 23 Nixon SA. Examining access to HIV-related health services for persons with disabilities in Zambia: toward a participator accessibility assessment tool. 19th Canadian Conference on Global Health; Ottawa, ON, Canada (oral).
- 2012 Oct 22 Developing global research partnerships: A Canadian-Zambian case study 19th Canadian Conference on Global Health. Ottawa, Canada. Presenter(s): Njelesani J, Stevens M, Cleaver S, Lombe M, Nixon SA. (poster)
- 2012 Oct 22 Wickenden A, Nixon SA, Yoshida K. (Dis)Abling Sexualities: Exploring the impact of the intersection of HIV, disability and gender on the sexualities of women and men in Lusaka, Zambia. 19th Canadian Conference on Global Health; Ottawa, ON, Canada (poster).
- 2012 Oct 22 Njelesani J, Stevens M, Cleaver S, Lombe M, Nixon SA. Developing global research partnerships: A Canadian-Zambian case study. 19th Canadian Conference on Global Health; Ottawa, ON, Canada, October 22, 2012 (poster).
- 2012 Oct 21 Nixon SA, Cameron C, Hanass-Hancock J, Simwaba P, Solomon P. Disability, inclusion and rehabilitation: a showcase of Canada’s global responses. 19th Canadian Conference on Global Health; Ottawa, ON, Canada (oral).
- 2012 Jul 24 XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, USA. Presenter(s): Njelesani J, Cameron D, Parsons J, Nixon SA. Work experiences of people with disabilities who are HIV+ in Lusaka, Zambia. (poster)
- 2012 July 24 Njelesani J, Cameron D, Gibson BE, Nixon SA, Polatajko H. Who gets to play?: Evaluating sports as the means for HIV programming through an occupational perspective. XIX International AIDS Conference; Washington DC, USA, (poster).
- 2012 Apr 21 Nixon SA, Cameron C, Hanass-Hancock J, Simwaba P, Solomon P. Operationalizing qualitative HIV research fieldwork in a resource-poor country: Lessons learned in Lusaka, Zambia regarding rigorous and ethical research procedures. 21st Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research; Montreal, Quebec, Canada (oral).
- 2012 Apr 19 Njelesani J, Cameron D, Gibson BE, Nixon SA, Polatajko H. Who gets to play: Evaluating sports as the means for HIV programming through an occupational perspective. 21st Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research; Montreal, Quebec, Canada (poster).
- 2011 Njelesani, J., Cameron, D., & Polatajko, H. J. Using occupations in the attainment of the MDGs. 7th OTARG Congress. Livingstone, Zambia.
- 2010 Njelesani, J., Cameron, D., & Polatajko, H. J. Bridging occupation and the international development agenda. CSOS & SSO: USA Joint OS Conference, London, ON, Canada.
d) Other
- Nixon et al. Report of the Disability and Rehabilitation Anti-stigma Workshop, Lusaka, Zambia, March 2012
Contact Us
For more information, please contact Marianne Stevens.